Aug. 3 10am- noon Childcare Moms Group
Aug. 6 3pm-4pm Drive for South End Children's Cafe
Aug. 13 3pm-4pm Drive for Veterans Miracle Network
Aug. 15 10am-noon Childcare Moms Group
Aug. 20 3pm-4pm Drive for Gift Cards for Meal Ministry
Aug. 22 6:30pm-7:30pm Essentials of Discipleship
Sept. 6 10am-noon Child Care for MOMS Group
Sept. 16 MS/HS Discipleship Conversation Night 6:30pm-7:30pm with ice cream
Sept. 17 3pm-4pm Drive for College Care Packages
Sept. 19 3pm-4pm Pack college care packages
Sept. 21 & 22 Blessing for all Catechists, Volunteers, Catholic School Teachers at all Masses
Sept. 22 Parish Picnic 11:30am Outdoors Picnic Mass, followed by food, pony rides, petting zoo, rocking climbing wall and MORE!
Sept. 24 3pm-4pm Drive household items for Fall Blessing Bags for Seniors
Oct. 1 3pm-4pm Drive snacks items for Fall Blessing Bags of Seniors
Oct. 3 11am to noon Pack Fall Bags for Seniors ( BCHS off)
Oct. 5 10am - noon Child Care Mom’s Group
Oct. 8 3pm-4pm Drive for Meal Ministry
Oct. 8 -10 6pm-7:15pm MS/HS Fall Back to Discipleship First week of Classes with Parents
Oct. 15-17 Second week of Classes
Oct. 17 Halloween Goodie bags items due
Oct. 18 Pack Treat bags
Oct. 18 School Gala honoring Tom Kane
Oct. 20 6pm -7:15pm High School Agape Latte & 10th Grade Sponsors: panel of confirmed young church and their sponsors
Oct. 22 3pm-4pm Drive Catholic Charities Maternity Services
Oct. 22-24 Third week of Classes
Oct. 26 Cosmic Bowling DelLanes 9:15pm-10:45pmOct. 27 11am-noon Saint, Snack, Service Ministry Fair GH
Oct. 29 Drive 3pm-4pm St. John/St. Ann’s Senior Christmas Bags
Nov. 1 All Saints Reflection Google Form
Nov. 3 Mass Leadership 5pm Mass
Nov. 3 High School Agape Latte 6pm-7:15pm GH
Nov. 5-7 Fourth Week of Classes
Nov. 5 Drive 3pm-4pm St. John/St. Ann’s Senior Christmas Bags
Nov. 7 3pm-4pm Pack Christmas bags for St. John/St. Ann’s
Nov. 12-14 Fifth Week of Classes
Nov. 12 3pm-4pm Drive Gifts of Warmth Hats, Gloves
Nov. 16 Mass leadership 5pm Mass
Nov. 16 6pm-7:15pm First MS Faith & Fun Night in School
Nov. 19 Sixth Week of classes & pick up Family Night of Service Kits
Nov. 19 3pm-4pm Drive St. James Stocking Stuffers personal care items
Dec. 2- 5 Return Home Night of Service Crafts and Gifts GH
Dec. 3 3pm-4pm Drive for St James Stockings treats
Dec. 5 3pm-4pm Stuff Stockings for St. James
Dec. 7 10am-noon Childcare for Moms
Dec. 10 3pm-4pm Drive Veterans Miracle Network
Dec. 12 Christmas Goodie bags due
Dec. 13 Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration 6pm Serenade, 6:30pm Bilingual Mass & Hospitality
We Changed our Name!
Please use the links below to sign-up
for upcoming H.O.P.E. activities