Jan. 5 3:15 pm-4:45 pm SHINE Stress Busters MS/HS
Jan. 7 3pm-4pm Regift Drive
Jan. 11 10am-1:15pm Serve Lunch at St. John/St. Ann'sJan. 14 3pm-4pm Drive Catholic Charities Maternity Services
Jan. 21 3pm-4pm Drive Mary’s Corner
Jan. 25 & 26 1pm-6pm Confirmation
Jan. 28 3pm-4pm Drive
Feb. 2 HS Valentine Agape Latte 6pm-7:15pm Storyteller Married Couple
Feb. 4-6 7th Week of Classes
Feb. 4 Drive
Feb. 6 3pm-4pm Pack Bags of LoveFeb. 8 & 9 Annual Souper Bowl Soup Sale for Sister Parish in Mexico
Feb. 11 -13 8th Week of classes
Feb. 11 3pm-4pm Drive
Feb. 22 10am-1:15pm Serve Lunch at St. John/St. Ann's and share browniesFeb. 25-27 9th Week of Classes
Feb. 25 3pm-4pm Drive
March 4-6 10th Week of Classes
March 4 3pm-4pm Drive
March 5 Ash Wednesday Mass and Reflection
March 7 Stations of the Cross 7pm
March 8 Lenten Dodgeball Discipleship MS & HS 6pm-7:30pm in School Gym,
March 9 2:30 pm-4:00 pm Prayer & Paint
March 11-13 11th Week of Class
March 11 3pm-4pm Drive
March 14 Stations of the Cross 7pm
March 15 1pm-4pm set up Lenten Museum
March 16 St. Patty's Day Agape LatteMarch 18 - 20 Last week of Class
March 18 3pm-4pm Gift cards for meal ministry
March 21 Stations of the Cross 7pm
March 25 Drive
March 28 Stations of the Cross 7pm
March 29 10am-1:15pm Serve Lunch at St. John/St. Ann'sMarch 31 3pm-4:40pm Take down Lenten Museum
April 1 3pm-4pm Drive
April 4 Stations of the Cross 7pm
April 8 3pm-4pm Drive
April 11 Stations of the Cross 7pm
April 12 9:30 am to noon Jesus Day
April 12 Make Palm Cross
April 27 Egg Hunt 11am
Aug. 3 10am- noon Childcare Moms Group
Aug. 6 3pm-4pm Drive for South End Children's Cafe
Aug. 13 3pm-4pm Drive for Veterans Miracle Network
Aug. 15 10am-noon Childcare Moms Group
Aug. 20 3pm-4pm Drive for Gift Cards for Meal Ministry
Aug. 22 6:30pm-7:30pm Essentials of Discipleship
Sept. 6 10am-noon Child Care for MOMS Group
Sept. 16 MS/HS Discipleship Conversation Night 6:30pm-7:30pm with ice cream
Sept. 17 3pm-4pm Drive for College Care Packages
Sept. 19 3pm-4pm Pack college care packages
Sept. 21 & 22 Blessing for all Catechists, Volunteers, Catholic School Teachers at all Masses
Sept. 22 Parish Picnic 11:30am Outdoors Picnic Mass, followed by food, pony rides, petting zoo, rocking climbing wall and MORE!
Sept. 24 3pm-4pm Drive household items for Fall Blessing Bags for Seniors
Oct. 1 3pm-4pm Drive snacks items for Fall Blessing Bags of Seniors
Oct. 3 11am to noon Pack Fall Bags for Seniors ( BCHS off)
Oct. 5 10am - noon Child Care Mom’s Group
Oct. 8 3pm-4pm Drive for Meal Ministry
Oct. 8 -10 6pm-7:15pm MS/HS Fall Back to Discipleship First week of Classes with Parents
Oct. 15-17 Second week of Classes
Oct. 17 Halloween Goodie bags items due
Oct. 18 Pack Treat bags
Oct. 18 School Gala honoring Tom Kane
Oct. 20 6pm -7:15pm High School Agape Latte & 10th Grade Sponsors: panel of confirmed young church and their sponsors
Oct. 22 3pm-4pm Drive Catholic Charities Maternity Services
Oct. 22-24 Third week of Classes
Oct. 26 Cosmic Bowling DelLanes 9:15pm-10:45pmOct. 27 11am-noon Saint, Snack, Service Ministry Fair GH
Oct. 29 Drive 3pm-4pm St. John/St. Ann’s Senior Christmas Bags
Nov. 1 All Saints Reflection Google Form
Nov. 3 Mass Leadership 5pm Mass
Nov. 3 High School Agape Latte 6pm-7:15pm GH
Nov. 5-7 Fourth Week of Classes
Nov. 5 Drive 3pm-4pm St. John/St. Ann’s Senior Christmas Bags
Nov. 7 3pm-4pm Pack Christmas bags for St. John/St. Ann’s
Nov. 9 Serve Lunch at St. John/St. Ann's Outreach Center. 10am-1:15pm
Nov. 12-14 Fifth Week of Classes
Nov. 12 3pm-4pm Stocking Stuffers for St. James Food Pantry Personal care items
Nov. 16 6pm-7:15pm First MS Faith & Fun Night in School
Nov. 17 Mass Leadership at 5pm MassNov. 19 Sixth Week of classes & pick up Family Night of Service Kits
Nov. 19 3pm-4pm Drive St. James Stocking Stuffers: goodies, dish detergent and kitchen towels.
Dec. 2- 5 Return Home Night of Service Crafts and Gifts GH
Dec. 3 3pm-4pm Toys for Toys sponsored by our Parish School
Dec. 7 10am-noon Childcare for Moms
Dec. 8 6pm-7:15pm HS Christmas Agape LatteDec. 10 3pm-4pm Drive Veterans Miracle Network
Dec. 12 Christmas Goodie bags due
Dec. 13 Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration 6pm Serenade, 6:30pm Bilingual Mass & Hospitality
Dec. 14 6pm-7:15pm An evening of JOY! Christmas Caroling, Cookies & More!Please use the links below to sign-up
for upcoming H.O.P.E. activities
Take a Break & S.H.I.N.E.
Middle School and High School
Stress Busters
Special thanks to our guests: Mary DeTurris Poust, Certified Yoga Instructor, and Christen Bryce, Mental Health Nurse for joining us at our recent Take A Break and S.H.I.N.E. Event!
Together may we encourage one another to look for the silver lining and turn any CRISIS into an opportunity for success. Coping skills that work for you...music, exercise, prayer... Remove clutter that prevents us from being our best selves, Identify what we can and cannot change, Support and respect ourselves and others with safe boundaries, Implement change and trust in God's plan, baby steps!!! and Smile.
We are all His beloved, so S.H.I.N.E. Sleep keep a sense of Humor, stay hydrated, healthy Nutrition and Exercise while keeping, I “Iesous” Jesus as our Center!
Saturday February 8 at 5pm Mass
Join us for Mass & Fellowship!
All grade & age levels are WELCOME!
Meet other scouts! Receive a Blessing! Leadership opportunities: to greet, usher, read, and provide hospitality! Please wear your uniform.
Please RSVP by Jan. 31. 2025
Or contact us at [email protected]
Thank you for serving God and others!
A Scout is Reverent. Scouts (Middle School or older) registered with a Scouts America Troop may earn the Catholic Ad Altare Dei religious emblem award. The program is designed to help encourage Scouts to grow stronger in their Duty to God and be respectful of the Faith and Traditions of others. It is not a substitute for parish faith/discipleship formation programs. It is in addition to and helps Scouts deepen their faith and understanding of what it means to live a faith filled life aligned with the principles of Scouting. Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official Scout uniform. There will be an Ad Altare Dei religious emblem program beginning Monday Dec 2nd from 6:15 to 7:30PM hosted by St. Thomas parish in Delmar. A few meetings will be in-person but most will be via Zoom. To register or for more information please use the following link Ad Altare Dei Registration Form click here