ONE YEAR LATER the water catchment for Bulukhombe Primary School in Kenya, made possible in part by the donations of St. Thomas the Apostle parishioners last year, continues to provide safe, life-sustaining water for more than 450 people.
Twelve-year-old Jane expresses her gratitude to all of you, noting, "Accessing water from the tank within the school compound is easy. It's very quick to get water for drinking and cleaning. Being healthy all the time at school is now possible because the water is safe for me to consume without getting sick." Also, Alois Opwora, the school's science teacher, explains that the catchment has made science experiments possible, ensuring greater learning for his students.
Administrators of The Water Project identify communities in sub-Saharan Africa in need of clean, safe, reliable water. They work with members of those communities to plan, create and maintain the needed wells, catchments and other water access projects. Donated funds provide the necessary financial support.
Creation Care Team contact: Marie Myer