As I listened to the Gospel and heard Father Berberian break open the scriptures encouraging us to live Lent positively, creatively, and prayerfully, I realized that our whole parish is a Creative Care Team. Yes, we have a small group who have taken a leadership role in sharing the vision of Pope Francis and our Catholic faith through education, prayer, offering practical ways to care for our earth and by helping St. Thomas collaborate with our town and ecumenical/interfaith communities to contain and reverse global warming. But St. Thomas—children, youth, parents, adults of all ages—we together are the Creation Care Team. And that's incredible!
And so Parish Team, let us embrace the plastic bag ban positively. Share an extra reusable bag with someone just "climbing aboard." Remember to bring your bags to all the merchants that you shop at—not just the grocery store. That will be a major step for all of us—but we can do it, especially if we encourage others by our own witness. And share your ideas and experiences with us so we can pass this on inside and outside our parish.
Creation Care Team Contacts: Jeanne Schrempf and Marie Myer.