In this Season of Creation, Pope Francis calls us to pray, to acknowledge and embrace our role as recipients of God's gift of creation as well as caretakers of this universe. This year's theme—A HOME FOR ALL: Renewing the Oikos* of God— underscores our duty to act as caretakers of "the integral web of relationships that sustain the well-being of the Earth."
Abraham's Tent serves as a symbolic reminder of the hospitality he showed to strangers as recounted in Genesis 18 and a reminder that we are to extend that same hospitality to all we know and those we do not around this world, protecting and sharing justly God's creation, living "our commitment to safeguard a place for all who share our common home."
Season of Creation Calendar of Activities: If you didn’t pick up your calendar last week, you can find one on the Creation Care Team's page, along with the Season of Creation Prayer.
Creation Care Team contact: Marie Myer
*Oikos is Greek for "home" or "household"