AMAZING! THANKFUL! HUMBLING! Our Food Drive for the Café was a MIRACLE! Special shout out to Martha & Bob Keen for sharing a huge amount of items from our Parish Food Pantry & to our wonderful elves Ted & Liam Witting for greetings & sorting! On the drive to the Café I was concerned if the Café would have storage space for our donations. Tracie Killar, Director of the Café called me last night and shared how she was struggling with how to host their weekly food drive plus Christmas! When she entered the Café and saw all your donations; it was the answer to her prayer! A Christmas Miracle! All those wonderful items from you and our Food Pantry will make their way home to families served at the café this Friday! Talk about the Spirit! Emmanuel “God with us!” God bless you! We too wanted to share that the Café accepts nonperishable items any time at the café 25 Warren St. Albany in cabinets outside the café. Neighbors are able to help themselves. View photos in Photo Album.