Our Church Bells will ring for 5 minutes after each Mass this weekend Nov. 6 & 7 CALLING US CATHOLICS to care and protect HIS Creaiton! Our Common Home! Join us in SOLIDARITY PRAYING with our leaders meeting this week at the United Nations Claimate Change Conference in Glasgow Scotland. Pray for our neighbors and for real action and respect. Creator God, giver of life, you sustain the earth and direct the nations. In this time of climate crisis, grant us clarity to hear the groaning of creation and the cries of the poor. Challenge us to change our lifestyles. Guide our leaders to take courageous action. Enable your church to be a beacon of hope. And foster within us a renewed vision of your purposes for your world, through Jesus Christ our Lord, by and for whom all things were made. Amen. ~ Archbishop of York, Michigan WE are ALL CALLED to do our PART! Use reusable cups & bottles, replace inefficient bulbs, turn off lights, turn heat 2 degree’s cooler, bike, walk, carpool, cut food waste, opt for slower shipping, reduce shopping to what is needed, unplug appliances, save water, buy local, VOTE, READ, Stay INFORMED & ADVOCATE for ENVIRONMENT JUSTICE, HELP A NEIGHBOR! PRAY ! Bless you for CARING for HIS CREATION!