The Scriptures for the past two weeks the used the image of sowing seeds reminding us of how essential it Is to care for seeds and plants and the dangers of weeds stifling their growth and causing destruction and death. Jesus was not in the horticultural business, but he did use everyday images to teach us essential truths. Beyond our own backyards, there is a whole earth to protect and care for. As we have worked to live with the dangers of the coronavirus and protect ourselves and our loved ones, we need to look with a wider lens at the earth and all its people, for all life matters.
We can all begin again by refusing plastic bags, by bringing our own reusable bags to stores, working to reduce single use plastics like straws, cups, water bottles, and cutlery, and rededicating ourselves to reduce, reuse and recycle. There is an initiative in Congress called the Break Free from Plastics Pollution Act, which is proposing legislation to reduce plastic pollution and shift the burden of cleanups to corporations that have produced the waste. The bills are H.R.5845 and S.3263. We are asked to contact our local representatives to ask them to co-sponsor these bills and support them.
Creation Care Team contacts: Jeanne Schrempf or Marie Myer