Please welcome the following new parishioners to St Thomas: Jennifer and Joseph Ferrara and children Adriana, Nico and Haley; Allyson and Ilija Aleksic and son, Ezra; Andrea and Charles Tobin and their children, Lily and Charles ; Robert and Karen Pollock and their children John and Colin; Patrick and Susan Martin and their children Gabriel, Noah, Abigail and Benjamin; Tina Gough and her son, Luca; Tina and Justin Levin and their children Ellie and Sylvia; Edward and Erin Rabady and their children Ryan and Leo; Mark DiFiore and Danielle Biernik; Taryn and Gary Raylinsky and their children, Mason, Emma, and Carter.
Congratulations to the families of the following children who were baptized recently at St. Thomas: Christopher Joseph Barnes; Nora Ann Cardettino; Benjamin William Willbrant ; Brody Alexander Zaranko.
Congratulations to Doug Erickson, a parishioner of St. Thomas, who was installed to the Ministry of Acolyte by Bishop Scharfenberger on September 24. Please keep Doug in your prayers as he continues his faith journey toward ordination to the Diaconate.
Congratulations to Casey Sherman and Erin Dauerer, who were married on September 23. May they be blessed through life.
Please Remember in Prayer Jane McMahon and Alice Mae Mattice whose funerals were held recently at St. Thomas. May the Lord welcome them into Eternal Life.