Hearts Aflame Eucharist Congress is being held Saturday, September 22 at the Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville. If you cannot attend, please pray for a joy-filled event as Catholics throughout the diocese gather with our Bishop. Late registrations may still be accepted. Check
rcda.org/heartsaflame for more information.
CONGRATULATIONS to the families of the following children who were baptized recently at St. Thomas: Joseph Paul Boskowski, Sara Saed Abdallah and David Joseph Cavallo.
We Congratulate Carolin and Beuttler and Brian Supple who were married on August 25, 2018. May they be blessed through life.
WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS ~ Elizabeth and Dexter Hosang and their children, Oliver and Elise; Jennifer and John McGuiness and their children, Danica and Kylie; Alexander and Lorayne Ruthman and their children, Charlotte and Abigail; Edward and Theresa McCaffrey; Ryan and Katie Barbato and their children, Victoria, Sarah and Hailey; Chris Dittmer and his son, Landon and Keith and Jude Klein and their son, Zachary.
MANY THANKS to all those who helped make last Sunday’s parish picnic the success that it was. A good time was had by all. Young and old came together for a few hours of food and fun and new friends were made.