“LIVING THE GOSPEL, CHANGING LIVES” -- 2019 BISHOP’S APPEAL ~ Our goal this year is $191,199. To date we have received 438 gifts (outright gifts and amounts pledged), a total of $185,155 toward our goal. Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Letter to a Suffering Church ~ In an attempt to try to help our parishioners navigate these troubled waters of the sexual abuse crisis, we ordered a small booklet by Bishop Robert Barron titled “Letter to a Suffering Church: A Bishop Speaks on the Sexual Abuse Crisis” Bishop Barron is well respected as an effective communicator in the Catholic Church. They are available in the Gathering Hall after all Masses ( one per family, please!). In the fall, we hope to offer small group discussions for anyone who may wish to continue the conversation.
CONGRATULATIONS to the families of the following children who were baptized last week at St. Thomas: Bridget Marie Meyers and Emily Jane Palmer.