Our Meal Ministry has been very successful over the past several years providing short-term home delivered meals to parishioners experiencing a significant life event (i.e., death, illness, hospitalization, birth, etc.). Due to COVID-19 we are not able to provide home cooked and delivered meals to our parishioners. However, we are looking at providing a gift card(s) for a meal(s) from local (in the town of Bethlehem) restaurants that provides delivery. Maura Barrett will continue to organize the ministry and make contact with the recipients. As always, a ministry’s success is based on parishioner interest and support. If you are interested in assisting in getting this ministry going again in this way, you may provide a gift card (in any denomination) to a local restaurant that delivers or make a cash donation to the Pastoral Care Office marking the designation for meal ministry. Food can provide a sense of support and comfort during stressful times. Maura is currently researching area restaurants that provide delivery and reaching out to them as well. If we receive enough interest, we will proceed. Please contact Maura via email or phone at the office. Messages left will be returned as soon as possible.