What is involved in the creation of "a better world"? The expression does not allude naively to abstract notions or unattainable ideals; rather, it aims at an authentic and integral development, at efforts to provide dignified living conditions for everyone, at finding just responses to the needs of individuals and families, and at ensuring that God's gift of creation is respected, safeguarded and cultivated.
Pope Francis
The Kenyan water project in Kivani—funded by St. Thomas the Apostle parishioners—is creating a better world for the families who utilize it daily. Tess Crick of The Water Project has notified the St. Thomas Creation Care Team that water is flowing in the project the parish funded. She wanted parishioners to know they have made a significant difference in the lives of people thousands of miles away. Read more about what the water projects sponsored by St. Thomas mean to the people of Kenya.