With the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi this Monday, the Season of Creation comes to a close. But the opportunities to protect and preserve the earth as A Home For All continue. The three pillars of this season—prayer, sustainability and advocacy—remain as signposts guiding our ongoing work to care for what Pope Francis reminds us is Our Common Home. The task of protecting this planet for future generations may seem impossible, but as St. Francis teaches: "Start with doing what's necessary, then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."
So pick something, no matter how simple to begin, and together we can make the impossible a reality.
Begin with a prayer that we select leaders who work to justly share earth's resources. Act to sustain those resources by even simple acts such as turning lights off when you leave the room, buying locally grown produce, having at least one meatless meal each week. Advocate for the environment with your voice, your vote, your purchases. Support companies that are committed to sustainable practices.
Creation Care Team page: See updates on St. Thomas' water projects.
Creation Care Team contact: Marie Myer