Interfaith Creation Care Team: Project Planning Session Nov. 21
ALL PARISHIONERS are invited to take part in the Interfaith Creation Care Team project planning session with Dan Rain on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 7:00 pm in the St. Thomas Parish Office. Proposed project is development and provision of education clarifying upcoming changes in the rules of recycling. Members of several area faith communities are collaborating in this first shared endeavor to care for creation. The Interfaith team, as the St. Thomas Parish Creation Care Team, is open to all members of the parish.
For more information about either team, contact Jeanne Schrempf or Marie Myer.
Schedule a Family Film Night
IF YOU MISSED the showing of Pope Francis: A Man of His Word hosted by the Creation Care Team, you can view it on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, VUDU, Google Play, Fandango, Microsoft. Consider scheduling a family evening to view this documentary. Hear the words of Pope Francis as he travels around the world calling all people to recognize the needs of the poor, the harm being done to creation, and our responsibility to share justly the resources of this world. Learn how Pope Francis lives his words daily.