All are invited to join us at our Annual Scout Mass next Saturday Feb. 8 at 5pm at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 35 Adams Place, Delmar! All scouts and scout leaders are encouraged to wear your uniform. All scouts and leaders will receive a blessing and patch. Hospitality to follow in the Gathering Hall! Click here to sign up!
The Holy Family Carvings group are proud to represent the talented Christian woodcarvers of Bethlehem. These artisans rely on tourism, but due to the war in Israel, many have lost their jobs and are struggling to support their families. By purchasing beautiful hand-carved Olive Wood religious items such as Nativity Scenes, Crucifixes, Rosaries, Statues, and more, you’re directly supporting these families and helping sustain their livelihoods. Shop beautiful hand-carved Olive Wood religious items on Feb. 15 & 16 at St. Thomas and help sustain the livelihoods of artisans impacted by the war in Israel.
Thank you St. Thomas for sharing lots of warmth & comfort with our neighbors so far this January!
Delina coordinator for Sr. Maureen Joyce Center shared that it was like "Christmas all over again!" Thank you for the re-gift items for our guests!
Our gifts of warmth were hung on St. John/St. Ann's Outreach Center's snow person! By the end of lunch most gifts found their way home! ♥️
Catholic Charities Maternity Services was most appreciative of us restocking their food pantry shelves with much needed staples and Mary's Corner received much needed items for their ministry! Thank you for supporting LIFE!
May 19 and 20, 2025
St. Thomas is sponsoring a bus trip to the Sight and Sound Theatre in Lancaster PA to see the 30th anniversary of their production of "Noah".
The trip will include transportation, a stop at an Amish shopping center, dinner at Miller's, 1 overnight at a hotel, tickets to the show, and lunch at an Amish restaurant.
Visit for more information on the show. For more details on the trip and to make a reservation please contact Barbara Ruggirello at [email protected].
Reservations are due by February 1, 2025. Click here for a detailed itinerary.
You are invited to join our Young Adult Group at St. Thomas for an evening of pizza, wings, music and conversation titled “What’s your direction?” A roundtable discussion on the importance of self care, dealing with stress, choosing a major, highlights of your semester and more! Thursday Dec. 19 from 6-7:30pm in the Gathering Hall.
Friday, December 20 | 6-8:30pm | Christ the King Rectory - We welcome ages 21-39 to come celebrate and socialize with us! Please click here to sign up to bring a potluck item if you're able to do so. There will also be an optional gift exchange, those who wish to participate may bring a $10 max wrapped gift.
Taconic Catholic Young Adult Group and the Diocese of Albany invites young adults (ages 21-39) to a Semi-formal dinner and dance Saturday, January 11 from 6 PM to 10 PM. Enjoy Appetizers, drinks, dinner, and dancing at St. Mary's Church – Crescent; 86 Church Hill Road, Waterford
Ticket Cost: $20 per person “Early Bird”; $25 after January 1; $30 per person at the door
Click here to register.
Please return the wrapped gift (unless specified “don’t wrap”) with tag attached to the gathering hall no later than after the 5 pm Mass on Sunday, December 8th. Hospitality will be served after each Mass that weekend, so please stop by to enjoy some refreshments and view the generosity of our parish. All gifts will be picked-up by the organizations the next morning.
All drives will take place from 3-4 pm in the church parking lot or gathering hall depending on weather. Thank you for making a difference! Click here to see a list of the dates and collection items.
Friday, December 13th 6:00pm at St. Matthew's Church
Hear the True Meaning of Christmas with a Special Surprise!
Free Admission with a Free Will Offering
For Planning Purposes, please RSVP By 12/12/24 to Peggy [email protected] OR 518-765-2805 Ext: 14
Scouts (Middle School or older) registered with a Scouts America Troop may earn the Catholic Ad Altare Dei religious emblem award. The program is designed to help encourage Scouts to grow stronger in their Duty to God and be respectful of the Faith and Traditions of others. It is not a substitute for parish faith/discipleship formation programs. It is in addition to and helps Scouts deepen their faith and understanding of what it means to live a faith filled life aligned with the principles of Scouting. Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official Scout uniform. There will be an Ad Altare Dei religious emblem program beginning Monday Dec 2nd from 6:15 to 7:30PM hosted by St. Thomas parish in Delmar. A few meetings will be in-person but most will be via Zoom. To register or for more information please CLICK HERE.
Special thanks to you our many ministries for joining us for our Annual Saints Snacks Service Ministry Fair! Thank you for sharing your good works and how to get involved. If you missed the event, please stop by the Gathering Hall for an updated list of Ministries that we have here at St. Thomas. We have something for everyone! You are most welcome to join the "march" by contacting the coordinator listed. All are welcome to share and be a part of the life and fabric of our parish family.
Oh, how I want to be in that number when the saints come marching in... Reach out today!
The Christ Child Society of Albany invites you to get a head start on your holiday shopping by visiting this event on Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 12 -6pm in the St. Madeleine Sophie Parish Center, 3500 Carman Road, Schenectady. Vendors include Mary Kay, Tupperware, Santa’s Snacks, Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, Dee’s Bombs, Cruisin’ Creations, Longaberger, Sweet on You, Theresa Girzone jewelry and Annabelle Designs. Products will be available and ready for your holiday giving. Free admission, complimentary refreshments as well as prize drawings throughout the day!
All drives will take place from 3-4 pm in the church parking lot or gathering hall depending on weather. Thank you for making a difference! Click here to see a list of the dates and collection items.
Thank you, Fr. Matt, and all those who joined us for an evening of prayer, fun and ice cream at our Essentials of Discipleship! Check out pictures of our unique constructs that display what our young church believe are essentials of discipleship: building the kingdom of God: care for each other, Praise God, read scripture, be responsible, feed the hungry, donate to food pantries, participate in Mass, Love, help serve at Mass, don't give up, be courageous, donate clothes, patience, care for environment, be healthy, make sacrifices to help others, use time wisely, communicate politely with teammates, stay true to your word, empty the dishwasher, help around the house, read the about the life of saints, be respectful, don't judge people, say “I’m sorry”, receive the sacrament of Reconciliation ... What does your Kingdom of God look like?
Let’s keep the conversations alive! Middle School/High School Discipleship Families are invited to join us Monday Sept. 16, at 6:30-7:30pm in the chapel for Discipleship Conversations and Ice Cream Sandwiches! Bring your parents or an adult! HOPE hour!
Our St. Thomas sponsored Scout Troop 1071 is hosting a Frese’s Catering Service Chicken BBQ at the St. Thomas Church parking lot on Thursday, September 26 from 3:30 to 6:30 pm. $15 per takeout order, enjoy a half chicken dinner with coleslaw, baked potato, corn of the cob, roll &cookie. All proceeds to benefit Troop 1071. Stop by one of the tables in the Gathering Hall after Mass or call 518-369-5962 by September 19 to preorder. Thank you for supporting scouting.